Unit #2 Research
Unit #2 Research Assignment: 3D art and Design Influencers – Industrial Design, Cross-Species Architecture
Artists Linda Sormin & Not Vital
Linda Sormin
Not Vital
Teachers’ Notes: ‘NOT VITAL. SCARCH’
Clay Assignment Research
Rabbit Burrow
I didn’t find a ton of information on how rabbits actually build their warrens, but there was a decent amount of footage on youtube showing the beginning of the process, and information on how life begins and circles within the burrow space that is built. There are also some really strong diagrams provided by the youtube videos on what the burrows look like underground.

Clay Work – Week 2

- I am working a lot with gravity on this assignment, in terms of having these tube like areas of a warren-inspired structure not collapse.
- At this stage, I do wish a little bit that I had considered and sketched out the overall initial design better, as I was working from dual, minimal inspiration (photos of industrial structures at Brooklyn Bridge which have yet to be incorporated a bit more, though that is partially the intent of a vertical pillar) and organic structures of the warren.
- I revisited the presentation for this assignment partway through construction of the clay sculpture, so I was then made more aware of just what I was working with. I still have some solid and extruded clay leftover, so I’m hoping to play with it a bit more, and then call that a done deal, but to experiment a bit more with the tools, slip (if it isn’t going to be too dried out,) and my ideation since I really feel like this portion of the sculpture only shows about the half-point of that ideation.
- I stopped to do a material practice partway through, and this was a really great opportunity to do some painting for me. It was quick, and didn’t distract from the experience, it worked similar to sketching.

Material Practice

- An interesting feature the clay design takes on is that a ‘warren’ is no longer simply underground, so the ‘structure’ exists in a different space (open air/above ground,) so in the sense of industrialism and modernism this changes the meaning and perhaps purpose? That a ‘place’ (if the sculpture were a real place) would hold. Hopefully I can divert away from some of the consideration of the organic nature of the piece, when/if building upon the original piece itself with what clay I have left. I would like to find balance, but I do think that triangular or interactive shape made in the painting would be more helpful to its final composition as right now I just don’t feel like there is anything to really make it stand out. Perhaps I will feel differently with paint on there, or perhaps other elements could be added in in the space around it to change its meaning or feeling when presented.